
Sep 6
virtual call center

What will a virtual call center of the future look like?

With the rise of new tech innovations coming hard and fast, the virtual call center of the future is something we can all look forward to. From cloud computing to virtual technology, these tech advances are revolutionising businesses right down to the core. And for call centres this is no different. They’ve had to go from a

Aug 30
managing a call centre

Managing a call centre with a blended onshore-offshore team

When it comes to managing a call centre with a blended onshore-offshore team, what does it take to get everyone working as one? How can you get Chris from Croydon and Mary from Manila sharing the same call centre memes and campaigns? What’s the special glue to bind them together, so they understand they’re all on the

Aug 24
offshoring vs outsourcing

Offshoring vs outsourcing | Who wins the debate?

When it comes to call centre offshoring vs outsourcing, you’re probably wondering is there really any difference? They both kind of sound the same, contract out to third parties, are committed to maximising efficiencies, and hell bent on reducing labour costs. They also cross paths all the time, mixing and matching, with outsourced services offshoring

Aug 17
offshoring pros and cons

Weighing up call centre offshoring pros and cons

What are the call centre offshoring pros and cons you should be aware of before jumping into the offshore world? For some, it’s a scary thought; sending your services to a place beyond your physical reach, where you can’t just walk the floor, soak up the buzz of a bustling team, be social and stop for

Aug 10
offshore call centers

Training offshore call centers on expertise

How can you get your offshore call centers and their agents to get a grasp of what they’re selling? To buy into the ethos and spirit of your brand? And not to sound like some robotic auto-responder that’s simply relaying what they’ve been told? Finding that special mix of personality and professionalism in any call

Aug 2
offshoring customer support

Getting offshoring customer service to follow the sun

Offshoring customer service can be a hot potato topic at the best of times. There’s the value judgement you have to navigate about taking roles offshore, as well as the logistical question of wondering how managing a remote part of your business can work? The modern expectation that services should be accessible, people always contactable,

Jul 26
virtual call centre software

How virtual call centre software transforms the way we work

When you think of virtual call centre software, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A Princess Leia inspired hologram that pops out of your computer and tells you what to do? Some Mr Smith sunglasses you can wear that will transport you into a 3D world? A minority report scene, where you can

Jul 20
call centre improvement ideas

Call centre improvement ideas to excite your millennial hires

Looking to for some new call centre improvement ideas to entice your new millennial hires? Lollypops at front reception? A ‘chill out’ space with yoga mats lining the floor? Unisex toilets with seats that self close? A weekly flash mob in the foyer downstairs? A lunchtime boot camp and then a Krispy Kreme reward? One

Jul 12
call centre techniques

Call centre techniques to stop the flow of agents leaving

How many call centre techniques do you have up your sleeve to stop your valuable agents from bowing out, seeking retirement, vacating the premises, kicking the old work bucket or jumping ship from their outbound job? Staff attrition is a huge financial drain to any call centre and every manager knows it has a huge

Jul 5
Telesales training

Telesales training to keep remote agents close

Is your telesales training of remote agents all about numbers, hitting targets, espousing the values of mission statements, the importance of customer experience, but totally missing the mark when it comes to the contact centre tools they’re using? Telesales training is a crucial part of the puzzle in building capable remote agents; however, it also