April 2017 - | Noojee Contact Solutions

Outbound Sales – 10 Ways to Close the Deal
Outbound Sales is a critical part of any business wanting to bring in the leads, however it can also be the most daunting, gut-wrenching, soul-destroying part of a salesperson’s job. Let’s face it, it involves rejection, and a lot of it. If you manage a sales team who need to close deals, this →

Guide to Workforce Management of Transient Workers
All my bags are packed I’m ready to go I’m standin’ here outside your door I hate to wake you up to say goodbye But the dawn is breakin’ It’s early morn The taxi’s waitin’ He’s blowin’ his horn Leaving on a Jet Plane – Jon Denver Brings a tear to the eye, →

Managing the ‘No’ of Sales Calls
Do you manage a Call Centre or any outbound sales team? Sometimes it must feel like you’re in the trenches. Taking shots zipping at you from angry customers to whom your team are making sales calls, soothing and cajoling upset and unmotivated staff who, let’s face it, are often halfway out the door onto their →

Problem Solving in the Workplace – Get Creative
And every demon wants his pound of flesh But I like to keep some things to myself I like to keep my issues strong It’s always darkest before the dawn And I’ve been a fool and I’ve been blind I can never leave the past behind I can see no way, I can see no →
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