February 2017 - | Noojee Contact Solutions

What Does a Great Call Centre Culture Look Like?
A great working culture can be the tipping point between success and failure for your call centre, ensuring your employees are fulfilled and productive. Your culture also plays a key role in attracting top talent. Building a culture that inspires and unites the team happens with every decision made in regards to hiring and in →

Call Centre Interview Questions – Hire Humans that Beat the Bots.
There’s only one kind of dance, the robot And the robo-boogey Oh and the ro, two kind of dances But there are no more humans Finally robotic beings rule the world Flight Of The Conchords – Robots The robots are here. Well, technically, they have been here a while, but they are really becoming the →

Call Centre Management – creating a team out of strangers.
The nature of call centre jobs can be transient. Sometimes it’s because agents don’t like the work, don’t think it pays enough, or maybe it’s because the job is a stop gap before moving on to something different. If you’re a Call Centre Manager, you’ll be replacing your team members at a scary rate each →

Is motivating your Call Center Staff a full time job?
If you’re a Call Center Manager, you probably spend a fair bit of time wondering why your employees leave, how to get them to stay longer, and ideally how you can get them to.. wait for it.. enjoy what they’re doing. I’m not going to sugar coat it- it can be hard yakka, especially in →

Remote Working – the pathway to happy and motivated employees.
Every manager’s goal is Productivity. That’s a capital P because expectations about what we believe staff should be able to deliver are getting higher. Work needs to be accurate, relevant and memorable…. and did I mention we want it NOW? The struggle is real, both in and out of the office. Productivity comes from happy, →
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