December 2017 - | Noojee Contact Solutions
Dec 20
Common customer complaints that every call centre can avoid
Posted In: Call centre, Inbound, Staff management
Complaints, like death and taxes are guaranteed to happen. But if you’re receiving the same common customer complaints over and over again it’s a sign that something, somewhere in your business is not working. If your lines are filled with shouting, unhappy customers then it’s time to fix the problems so your agents can spend →
Dec 7
11 tactics for building better customer rapport
Posted In: Call centre, Inbound, Outbound
How well do you really need to get on with your customers? Let’s face it, there’s a lot of them, and in the space of just a few minutes it’s pretty hard to do anything except the simple niceties. Except, building customer rapport is basically comes down to building trust. It’s also a question of →
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