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5 tips for empowering call centre operators
Your call centre operators are the face (or voice) of your whole customer service operation. They get it all, from simple enquiries to angry complaints. Increasingly both these types of calls are getting more complicated. With access to your website, online forums and social media, customers can find the easy answers online, it’s the hard stuff →

11 tactics for building better customer rapport
How well do you really need to get on with your customers? Let’s face it, there’s a lot of them, and in the space of just a few minutes it’s pretty hard to do anything except the simple niceties. Except, building customer rapport is basically comes down to building trust. It’s also a question of →

5 Ways to Drive Customer Retention
Did you know it costs a company 6-7 times more to acquire a customer than to retain them, according to research conducted by Bain & Company? Returning customers also spend more than new ones. McKinsey & Company reckon ecommerce spend for new customers is on average $24.50, compared with $52.50 for repeat customers. This is interesting, given →

Call Centre Security- Looking After Your Customer’s Data
So I’m sure we all heard in the news last week that offshore call centre agents are selling the personal customer data of some of the big telco’s for a nominal price (by Australian standards). Scary stuff- your customers trust that their data is safe with your company, and the slightest inkling that your call →

Big Data and Customer Experience
Big Data. What is it? Well it’s data that is Big, silly. Like really, really big, and getting bigger every day. Mountains of information on your customers or people who look a lot like your customers (they just haven’t seen the light yet). It can help you understand them to help you have really have →

Customer Experience Recruitment
Customer Experience is a rich new way of thinking about your customers, and seeing them beyond the traditional, transactional Customer Service approach. Customer Experience treats your customers like long term partners, soul mates who will never leave your side. Blood brothers who will walk through life side by side with you. Ok, you just want →

10 Tips to make a Call Centre Manager’s Life Easier
Managing a call centre can be hard yakka. Depressing levels of staff turnover, customers who demand instant resolution no matter the time of day or night, money wasted on dead time. It’s hard keeping all your balls in the air and still find the time to mentor and coach your agents so they want to →

A Customer Experience Strategy to build customers for life
Service is king. Service is key. Service is paramount to a business’s success. Service is… well it’s jolly important isn’t it? Obviously it is, and we’ve all been drumming this home to our customer service staff for years, and we’re right. But shift your focus back a little to look through the bigger and richer →

Outsourcing call centers overseas – which country?
Sending the front line of your customer service overseas is a big call, and one that has serious financial and productivity benefits. Once you’ve dotted your ‘I’s and crossed your ‘T’s and know that this is the way forward for you, you need to take yourself back to year 9 geography class and have a →

Call center objectives to expand your customer service reach
Your call center is offshore, you’re now operating on an international level, so it’s important your customer service expands at the same rate your business is. Having all or part of your customer service offshore enables your customers to reach someone day or night and saves you a packet load of money (your accountant is →
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